Summer of Speculation – Sidekicks

I am delighted to say that my short story “The Spark Between Us” is now available as part of an anthology on amazon, via Cloaked Press. The anthology is free on Kindle Unlimited, or cheap if you buy it yourself. It’s got some great stories as well as mine and well worth a read.

Kaleidoscope – A Queer Anthology

I am delighted to be able to tell you that my first published short story is now available as part of the Kaleidoscope Anthology for Cloaked Press. There are some great stories in this and well worth the price of a decent cup of coffee (or free if you have Kindle Unlimited).

My story “The Absence of Stars” is a science fiction story about finding your place in a world and embracing a destiny of your own, rather than being miserable and following the path placed before you. It tells the tale of Jay a genetically engineered servant and his unlikely friendship with Patro one of the human crewmembers of the ship.

Give it a look, it’s a great read.

And So It Begins

Welcome one and all to my new website. This will be a place for me to share links to my writing and anything worth (or likely not worth) knowing as I begin my journey as an author.

Many of you may already know me as Mod Raven, for the extensive work I did on the narrative of RuneScape, including some of the biggest storylines such as the Sliske series, Desperate Times, Desperate Measures and the smaller part I played in Extinction. I’ve been writing in some form or other for the vast majority of my life, normally for myself or for work, but now I’m hoping to branch out into wider fiction.

As I write this, I have one short story that is going to be part of an anthology and another that I’m waiting to hear back about. I’m also in the process of querying my first novel which I hope to be able to share with you all in some format in the not-too-distant future (I’m only querying at the moment, so there’s plenty of time).

For those who want to know a little bit more about me: I live in London in a nice little flat with a view of literally nothing. Seriously, it’s a wall. A wall with another wall over the top of it, just in case someone thought I didn’t have enough walls in my life. During my free time I write. Sometimes I play games, sometimes I run DnD but generally you can find me with my nose in a word processing application exploring the stories of the many characters in my head.

I often write stories about queer characters in situations defined by more than their sexuality. It’s a facet, sure, because of course it is. But I want to tell stories where queer characters can be the star just as much as straight characters can be. My stories will often feature queer protagonists, or characters questioning themselves. I’ve lived this experience and I know how powerful and defining it can be, so I’d like to tell more of those sorts of stories.

Right now, I’m hoping to be able to tell Dimitri’s story and with any luck you can come along for the ride.